22nd November 2025
​Teddington Head is organised by Walbrook Rowing Club and The Skiff Club with thanks to Tamesis Club for allowing use of their premises.
The event is held under British Rowing Rules of Racing​ and adhering to the RowSafe code.​​
Pewter tankards will be awarded to the winners of each event with more than 4 entries. Medals will be awarded for events with 2/3 entries.
Specific Event Notes
Beginner events
These events are for crews with no more than approx. 50 CRI (eights) and 25 CRI (quads) except coxes,
Or those in their first year of racing.
Explore events
These are for those who have just graduated from a Learn to Row course.
Boats are not provided.
PR Events
Please contact us if you wish to enter these events.
Masters categories may be combined and handicapped according to British Rowing rules if insufficient entries are received in any one category.
Junior events
J17 and J18 events may be combined if insufficient entries to run separate events.
4 entries in each will be required for these events to run separately.
Boats must display standard 6 figure ID codes and have an EA licence valid for the day of the competition.
Past Results